Did you know that 87% (or 90 to 100 pounds) of lunch waste EVERYDAY at Hillside can be composted?  

That means more than 16,500 pounds of waste EVERY YEAR can be diverted away from polluting incinerators and landfills!

what is the Hillside Composting Project?

The goal of the Hillside Composting Project is to bring composting to Hillside.  The initial focus of this project is to separate organic waste from trash in the cafeteria during the lunch period.  

If this is successful, it will make it easier to introduce composting at the Middle and High school as these Hillsiders eventually graduate to the upper schools.

What has been done so far?

What's next?

What can you do?

Your support matters.  The more people that show that they care about this initiative the more likely we will find ways to fund it.  By submitting the form below, you are expressing support for this project.  Any Hastings resident (including students) is welcome to express support for this project by adding their name to the form below.

Compost Bin

Trash Bin

Hillsiders composting

The final haul. 87% of the lunch waste was compostable!